Back Bay

Concept and menu creation, and sourcing for an american fast food chain in Nantes

Back Bay
Back Bay – 11 Quai Turenne, 44000 Nantes

In March 2019, Foodies Consulting assists Tom Proux with his concept and menu creation, as well as sourcing as part of his concept launch : Back Bay.


Willing to come up with a unique and quality offer while perfectly controling its profitability, Back Bay calls on Foodies Consulting services in March 2019 in order to help it with its concept and menu creation.

Expertises : Concept creation, Menu Creation, Sourcing
Location : Nantes
Date : March 2019
Services : “Concept creation”, “Menu creation” and “Sourcing” modules


Concept Creation

Our mission has covered :

✔️ Aims
✔️ Concept summary
✔️ Plans
✔️ References
✔️ Core parameters
✔️ Storytelling
✔️ Tone of voice
✔️ Values
✔️ Mission
✔️ Vision
✔️ Service organization
✔️ Suppliers references
✔️ DNA of the food & beverage offer
✔️ Inventory of equipment at hand and needed
✔️ Necessary technical prerequisites
✔️ Full human resources needed
✔️ Overall payroll assessment
✔️ Architecture
✔️ Branding
✔️ Sales channels
✔️ Website
✔️ Assistance with the photo/video shoot
✔️ Business strategy
✔️ Acquisition
✔️ Loyalty
✔️ Merchandising
✔️ Promotion
✔️ Sound atmosphere
✔️ Press relations
✔️ Relevant digital solutions
✔️ Digital communication
✔️ Field communication
✔️ Team organization and schedules
✔️ Business plan outlines
✔️ Recruitment
✔️ Training
✔️ Connection with the most reknown experts relevant to the project regarding the customer’s needs

Menu Creation

Our mission has covered :

✔️ Supervision of the overall display of kitchen space
✔️ Initial thinking about the menu outlines regarding the concept
✔️ Creation and optimization of all food menus : full (which includes : 3 trials maximum regarding the recipe tests, 2 private tasting sessions using the customer’s kitchen space leading to assessment, debriefing and corrective actions) or in collaboration with a chef commissionned on the project (terms to be determined according to the project specifics)
✔️ Creation and optimization of all beverage menus : full (which includes : 3 trials maximum regarding the recipe tests, 2 private tasting sessions using the customer’s space leading to assessment, debriefing and corrective actions) or in collaboration with a sommelier/bartender/mixologist commissionned on the project (terms to be determined according to the project specifics)
✔️ Optimization of all food & beverage menus
✔️ Creation of food & beverage datasheets for each item
✔️ Development of miscellaneous leverages of differentiation


Our mission has covered : 

✔️ Identification and connection with the most relevant suppliers relevant to the project (regarding features, value for money, market positioning and brand image, terms and conditions…)
✔️ Selection of suppliers and products
✔️ Competitive call
✔️ Maximal price-related negociations
✔️ Set up of the digital tools adapted to the project


“In close relation to the fast food business during my past professional experiences, I dreamt about starting my business. But the food & beverage management trainings I attended were too theoretical and irrelevant to my project, they were disappointing. Then I heard about Foodies Consulting and its expertise in the fast food business : its customized assistance and field-oriented advices made all the difference”

Tom Proux
Back Bay founder